Order has to overcome chaos

I’m reading a piece from 2018 by Massimo Pigliucci on Jordan Peterson and Stoicism, so you get to read some of it too.

The question at hand is not whether there are some similarities between what Peterson writes and what the Stoics teach. Such similarities are indubitably there. Then again, “pick yourself up and do the right thing,” or “endure what life throws at you” are not exclusively Stoic concepts. They are found pretty much everywhere, in one form or another, from Christianity to Judaism, from Buddhism to Confucianism. And yet I’m not aware of anyone making the argument that Peterson is a Stoic-Christian-Judeo-Buddhist-Confucian. The issue, rather, is whether there are sufficient deep similarities between Peterson and Stoicism. I will argue that not only the answer is no, but that the sort of worldview Peterson advances is, in fact, anti-Stoic.

The first bit of Petersonian advice we encounter in Vacula’s post is “clean your room and get your life in order.” Which is good advice, the sort that my mom used to give me. But that didn’t make her a Stoic. The crucial part of the Stoic advice is that it tells us how to get our life in order: by practicing the four cardinal virtues of prudence, courage, justice, and temperance; and it explains to us why we ought to do it: because virtue is the only thing that is always good (it can’t be used for bad, by definition), as argued by Socrates in the Euthydemus.

Peterson, by contrast, gets this imperative from his adoption of Carl Jung’s views about the perennial opposition between logos and eros, where logos represents order, and it is masculine, while eros represents chaos, and it is feminine. From which Peterson further derives that it is both good and natural for men to control women (order has to overcome chaos).

It’s pretty hilarious when you think about it. All those wars humanity has been afflicted with over the millennia? Those are women’s doing are they? (Of course they are! What was the Trojan War but a war over a woman? Totally her doing, obviously!)

But more than hilarious it’s profoundly irritating. Ho yus, we’re order and you’re chaos and it’s got nothing to do with the fact that we can break your jaw with a punch, it’s entirely because YOU ARE CHAOS, BITCHES.

Updating to clarify: Massimo of course goes on to say Jung is talking “a lot of pseudoscientific and pseudophilosophical nonsense.” I’m laughing/shouting at Jung & Peterson, not Massimo.

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