How not to talk to The Help

Good grief.

First I see this:

Then I see a reply saying Lady SH is Lady Susan Hussey so I hie me to Google for information on Lady SH and find a bouquet of headlines saying she’s resigned. I chose the BBC:

Lady Susan Hussey quits over remarks to charity boss Ngozi Fulani

The late Queen’s lady-in-waiting Lady Susan Hussey has apologised and resigned after she repeatedly asked a black British charity boss where she was from.

Ngozi Fulani, a charity founder, was questioned about her background at the charity event at the palace on Tuesday. Ms Fulani said she was “totally stunned” by Prince William’s godmother’s comments.

The palace described the comments as “unacceptable and deeply regrettable”. An eyewitness to the conversation, Mandu Reid, told the BBC Lady Susan’s questions had been “offensive, racist and unwelcoming”. She said she had a “sense of incredulity” about the exchange in which Ms Fulani was interrogated about where she was from, even though she had already explained she was born and lived in the UK.

This is their job, pretty much the whole of it – celebrating and rewarding people who do good work. Royalty and the nobility are obviously an absurd anachronism with little or nothing to justify their status, so surely the most basic duty they have is to do the celebrating and rewarding properly. It’s been common knowledge for years that singling certain kinds of people out for the “Where you from?” interrogation is, yes, racist. Persisting in the question after a very clear response that it’s not an ok question is off the charts. That’s without even talking about the bit where Lady SH moved Ms Fulani’s hair.

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