Oh good, YET ANOTHER man explaining what a woman is and how wrong we’ve all been to think we knew.
What is a woman? It’s a question that’s suddenly everywhere, and it turns out the answer is complicated. Jon breaks down the gender binary and gender spectrum in this week’s episode. Stream the free episode now on Apple TV+. pic.twitter.com/n9RfjAhu7p
— The Problem With Jon Stewart (@TheProblem) October 8, 2022
I see that Jon Stewart is now in his “I am a serious commentator on important issues” mode. Wait until the criticism gets too hot and he retreats into “I’m just a comedian! When I was on tv, the show before mine was about puppets making crank calls! Why are you holding me to the standards of serious commentators?” mode.
Another example of a comedian going “I’m sorry I made jokes about transgender people. Please don’t cancel me! Now I’m a good ally who supports Rachel Levine and hates those nasty TERFs”.
Also, the Leviticus and Proverbs quotes aren’t the “Gotcha!” moment that Stewart and his writers think they are.
Those quotes are about how a women should be treated economically in that sexist society, and about how women’s supposedly bad nature affects men. Those quotes aren’t definitions of women.
The fact that progressives like Ketanji Brown Jackson are afraid use terms like ” adult female person” and “of, relating to, or being the sex that typically has the capacity to bear young or produce eggs” for fear of offending people whose “maleness” or “femaleness” is purely due to such people’s subjective mental feelings is depressing.
It’s the sort of issue Stewart should be tackling instead of reciting Chase Strangio’s talking points.
This influential idiot is delighted with Jon Stewart’s hackery:
I see that Jon Stewart is now in his “I am a serious commentator on important issues” mode. Wait until the criticism gets too hot and he retreats into “I’m just a comedian! When I was on tv, the show before mine was about puppets making crank calls! Why are you holding me to the standards of serious commentators?” mode.
So annoying. Stewart ruining Stewart for me (to name just one).
Another example of a comedian going “I’m sorry I made jokes about transgender people. Please don’t cancel me! Now I’m a good ally who supports Rachel Levine and hates those nasty TERFs”.
Also, the Leviticus and Proverbs quotes aren’t the “Gotcha!” moment that Stewart and his writers think they are.
Those quotes are about how a women should be treated economically in that sexist society, and about how women’s supposedly bad nature affects men. Those quotes aren’t definitions of women.
The fact that progressives like Ketanji Brown Jackson are afraid use terms like ” adult female person” and “of, relating to, or being the sex that typically has the capacity to bear young or produce eggs” for fear of offending people whose “maleness” or “femaleness” is purely due to such people’s subjective mental feelings is depressing.
It’s the sort of issue Stewart should be tackling instead of reciting Chase Strangio’s talking points.