Latest diversity training
Stonewall “training” at Bristol University:
Women may not truly know they are women unless they have their chromosomes tested, Stonewall has told university staff in its latest diversity training.
Lucky lucky staff, getting trained by the best.
In a handout after the session, staff were given a series of tips for creating an inclusive environment. One stated: “Remove gendered language from key policies and support LGBT people to navigate policies which might exclude them including parental leave policies.”
Oh sure, just remove “gendered language” from everything, that’s a good idea. That way women won’t be able to talk back. Sit down, Karen!
The Stonewall handout, seen by The Telegraph, added that staff should “avoid gendered language such as girlfriend, boyfriend and normalise the introduction of pronouns”.
The introduction of pronouns? We’ve already been introduced. Pronouns are part of normal language acquisition. What Stonewall means is that staff should try to “normalise” telling everyone to use the wrong pronouns for people who claim to be the opposite sex.
Bristol staff were also encouraged to “keep things gender-neutral until you’ve been told someone’s pronouns or the gender of someone they’re referring to”.
No, don’t. Don’t do that. Don’t “keep things gender-neutral.” We live in the real world, where nothing is gender-neutral, so we need to have the words to talk about it.
Dr Sarah-Louise Dietz, an HR worker at Bristol, told The Telegraph she had to write a letter of apology after trans activists on a staff equality committee walked out last year over her defence of the word “maternity” in university policies.
While the word ultimately stayed, she said she was subject to a three-month informal probe when staff complained about the “problematic” and “exclusionary” term and said she had been offensive by stating only biological women can give birth.
“There is a culture of fear on campus. Female professor friends and I are scared to even talk about women’s rights in public spaces near the university,” she said. “We speak in hushed tones looking over our shoulders.”
That’s “Big Sibling” to you, TERF!
Now Stonewall is contradicting trans ideology by making a biological observation a determining factor for whether someone is female or not. Not that TRAs will notice or care.
The portions you quoted here contain no mention of whether men needed chromosome testing before calling themselves men, so I went to the original article to look. But the article has been taken down, or the URL was incorrect. Perhaps they could see the furore coming.
So they decided that there was nothing wrong with using the word, but only after raking her over for three months. What the fuck.
You can see the archived version here:
Thanks, weird though that I ran that url through too but got no hits.
Anyway… zero mentions of men needing tests. Zero uses of ‘men’ or ‘man’ at all.
Surprise surprise.
Kinda gives the game away, doesn’t it. Men aren’t being policed or redefined. Men are not having their spaces being newly opened up to a class of people which has, historically, a threat to their sex. (Men are already the greatest threat to men, so that’s unchanged). It also shows how this is all about the TiMs. TiFs count for very little in this movement, otherwise all things male would be being rebranded as vigourously as those terms heretofor used to describe women and women’s experiences. TiFs are no threat to men; they enter men’s spaces at their own risk. In this context, for men, women in men’s toilets means next to nothing. There is not nearly the demand and push for such “access.” TiMs need cover and protection to access women’s spaces; their potential status as threats (because they remain men) has to be ignored or downplayed. The language itself has been dragooned into participating in this fight. Terminology and pronouns have been the thin edge of the wedge. Too wide an acceptance of the term “transwoman” instead of TiM has made this more of an uphill battle, as the deceptive language conceals the truths that everone knows. Or used to know. Thus it is only the definition of “woman” that is up for grabs, women’s rights, boundaries and defences which must be portrayed as hateful, bigotted, trans-genocidal “exclusivity.” I wonder why that is…?
Historically, men in the West have put there energies into maintaining the male monopoly on professional careers and political participation, amongst other things. Centuries of exclusion. Baked into the system. The pressure for TiM acceptance as “women” is another front of this ongoing battle. If TiMs can be shortlisted for positions and prizes intended for women, it’s a victory for men. Ditto with TiMs on sports teams. This is a means of rolling back what few rights and protections women have managed to wrest from the hands of the patriarchs, a closure of the spaces and institutions they have created by and for themselves. The advancement of so-called trans “rights” is a calculated attempt at the reduction in women’s options for public participation, gussied up as a “human rights” struggle. Yes it’s a struggle, but too many institutions and organizations have joined in the fight against those who are truly defending actual rights: women. Right side of history my ass.
So what are the gender-inclusive calling their boyfriends and girlfriends these days? “I’d like you to meet my gender-neutral fuck buddy” is hardly a phrase anyone’s grandmother wants to hear.
Well, not if I were drinking something hot at the time.
Fortunately, the boys have only ever said something like “This is my, ummmm… this is [name]” and I’ve said “Hello, [name], pleased to meet you” and then nothing more needs to be said. Well, it no doubt feels a bit awkward, having to introduce your new friend to your granny; but, when you share a house, your Mum makes sure you are polite and let your grandparents know that you’ve moved someone in.