The communinny
Parody? Must be? But apparently not.
As if anybody wants to ask this fool about anything.
(The underlying message, on the other hand, is the usual absurdity. “Don’t interpret my genitals as determining my sex. I have Magic Gender so I’m Special, and you have to genuflect.”)
“Genderuflect”: a way to show the genderference due to a person. Oh, wait, that has “son” in it: perchild.
When did this practice of referring to every possible subset of humanity as a community begin? I don’t particularly care for being arbitrarily membered into a community to which I’ve never applied and for which I’ve never gone to any coffee cake brunches.
Christ, that surname is a parody even if the rest is serious. I can just hear the sniggering as Owen explains it; ‘ Hurcum *snigger* ‘cos it sounds like *snigger* HER CUM. *giggle, snort* Geddit? *can-barely-breathe-hysterics* HER *I’m-dying-here-gasps* CUM!!!’
genuflectgenduflect.Oh. Sackbut beat me to nearly the same thing.
Disclaimer: I am aware that non-binary refers to sex, but uses the word gender because, well, I actually don’t know what any of this means.
What kind of genitals would a non-binary person have? I’m thinking it’s the same kind as Barbie and Ken (almost all dolls for that matter.) And, to me, that really doesn’t sound very fulfilling.
It must be the unique genitals exist only in the multiverse. Because QUANTUM. Why have Trans activists not glommed onto Quantum as the magic explanation for everything?
Quantum Queer Theory coming up:
I am afraid, very afraid, to clink on that YouTube link. :)
Brian M:
And having clicked on it, I can assure you that you are right to be afraid, assuming you care about reality and have seen your quota of blokes in blue lipstick for the day.
Don’t do it, Brian. Don’t. Do. It.