Masks optional

More rally!

Even as more of his campaign staffers test positive for coronavirus, Trump is still scheduled to hold a campaign event in Phoenix, Arizona, tomorrow.

The president will speak at a “Students for Trump” event at the Dream City Church in Phoenix, despite Arizona seeing a rise in its number of coronavirus cases.

In a video, two of the church’s leaders said they have installed cutting-edge technology that “kills 99.9% of Covid within 10 minutes.”

Oh yes? What “technology” is that exactly? Why isn’t it being installed everywhere?

These two fellas explain it. It’s ionization. Or ionizidation. The one guy isn’t quite sure. Anyway it cleans out all the particulates and the virus can’t live in that. They said so. Thank god for technology, they also said. (So why didn’t god give us the technology back in October?)

They’re very upbeat about the whole thing.

That crude old technology of wearing masks won’t be mandatory though. Whew! Freedom freedom freedom freedom.

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego said on Sunday that the city’s policy requiring face masks to be worn in public will not be enforced during President Donald Trump’s upcoming event at a Valley megachurch…

She added that she is hopeful Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey — who will attend the event — will take the opportunity to set an example regarding mask usage.

Well that’s good enough. Just hope. Just hope the governor will set an example, and hope people will wear them even though they don’t have to, and hope no one catches the virus, and hope the event won’t cause a huge spike in cases. Just hope. Maybe say a little prayer.

“We would hope that our governor … can send a strong message,” she said. “He believes in masks and he could be a great spokesman for telling the young people who are there to wear masks. But the best spokesman would be the president — if he told everyone at that rally it was important to wear masks, I believe they would do it.”

But it has to be voluntary. The city won’t be enforcing the policy, it will just be hoping people set a good example. That’s responsible and wise and adult.

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