You or your oppressive views

Madigan is busy covering himself with glory as Labour Student Women’s Officer.

But he’s Labour Student Women’s Officer. Surely he’s supposed to represent (or advocate for or whatever it is that a student women’s officer does) her regardless of her views.

I don’t know that that’s true, and I have my doubts, but even if it is true – what a rotten, psychopathic way to look at it. “There is no explicit rule against the Labour Student Women’s Officer telling women to go fuck themselves, so I as the Labour Student Women’s Officer am going to feel entirely free and entitled to tell women to go fuck themselves whenever I dislike what they think.”

That’s not what Maya Forstater is doing. She’s bringing a case against her firing from a job for tweets arguing that men are not women. That has nothing to do with “discriminating against” Madigan and people like Madigan. There is no “right” to force everyone to agree that men are women if they say they are. Refusing to agree that men are women if they say they are is not “discriminating against” those men.

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