The essence of Trump.
Republican Senators are overthinking tomorrow’s vote on National Emergency. It is very simply Border Security/No Crime – Should not be thought of any other way. We have a MAJOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY at our Border and the People of our Country know it very well!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 13, 2019
He sees all thinking as “overthinking” because thought is so profoundly alien to him. He doesn’t know how to think. He reacts, he blurts, he exclaims, he feels angry or conceited, he watches Fox. That’s it, that’s his mental life.
He wants the issues to be “very simple” because very simple is all he can understand, and that is because he is lazy as well as stupid, so he’s never made any effort to improve the unpromising intellectual capacity he started with.
And the “should not be thought of any other way” is so classically trump-bully mode. “Think of it the way I tell you to think of it!” shouted the slumlord from Queens.
OB: I hope, OB, that you have not put that on Twitter. If you have, the Great Twootle himself.might find it. Could be that after about a week studying it, he might work out what it means, and chuck his eyephone straight at the portrait of T. Jefferson, Popeye, or whoever on his West Wing wall.
Then he could very likely send you the bill for the damages.
The thing is, his supporters also want it simple. They think these issues are simple. Just get a job, you won’t need food stamps or welfare. Just spank your kids, they won’t do drugs. Just put prayer back in school and school shootings will end. Just build a wall and immigrants will stay out. Just keep immigrants out and everyone can have a job. Just arm everyone and no one will shoot each other. Just ship all the leftists to Europe (or Russia, or whatever is the preferred shipping to spot of the day) and the country will be a conservative paradise where men will work, women will vacuum in pearls, and children will say yes sir and no sir – and everybody will be happy (except, of course, the men, the women, and the children, but who counts them?).
The left has some of the same problem. Just say you’re a woman, you’re a woman. Just give everyone health care and we’ll all be healthy. Just get rid of dictators and the world will work correctly. And so forth. Which is why Democratic politicians struggle so much, because they try to make policy tantamount in an election, when people want simplicity (policy rarely being simple). And, of course, the one I hear all the time: just nominate progressives, and the Democrats will win every time. Just go off the grid, and all environmental problems will be solved.
I will admit, most of the left’s ideas have less devastating consequences than the right (except that first one), but they can still lead to things like Democrats refusing to vote for people who are less than perfect, staying home, and letting people like Trump win.
Nothing is that simple, but doing the hard work of thinking and planning and implementing is more than most people want to do. They want to vote for a politician, have them fix it, and do it while removing all taxes and all regulations on everything, and all we have to do is live life and enjoy.
Omar, heh – I did put a variation on it on Twitter. I forget what exactly, but something annoying. However I’m sure the flunky who reads tweets to him doesn’t have time to read the replies.
Well, if he sends a bill to you for damages, just put up a go-fund-me. I’m sure all of us here would consider that a good investment to annoy the Donald so much.
Iknklast #2:
The solution is simple: if people would just stop assuming there’s a simple solution we could finally get started on the long, difficult, contentious, meandering, painful process of solving. Nothing could be easier!
Sastra: Haha!
iknklast @#4:
Well, if he sent me any bill, I would not only refuse to pay. I would fight it all the way to the High Court, Privy Council, UN General Assembly, Starship Galactica or wherever. Though I could not threaten him with any of that. He would not know what those terms meant.
Though if I threatened to go all the way to Twitter he probably would.
Omar, seems fair enough. If you sent him a bill, he wouldn’t pay, even if you’d done the work for him, so it’s perfectly reasonable you should refuse to pay him.