That sounds like some mad-ass caricature
Jane Clare Jones has written a historical drama about the terf wars. Think Richard III with trans activists playing Plantagenet.
Prologue: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
Transsexual women: We just want some basic human rights.
Women: Okay.
Transsexual women: We have this condition called gender dysphoria and it’s really painful and we need to transition to live as the other sex because it’s the treatment for the dysphoria.
Women: Yeah, that sounds tough. Okay, if that’s what you need to do.
Seems like another world, doesn’t it.
Trans activists: So hey, when we said we’d like you to treat us like women that wasn’t right, because actually, we ARE women and we demand that you treat us exactly like women because we are women and that you to stop violently excluding us from all your women things.
Women: Um, we thought you were male people who had to transition to help with your dysphoria?
Trans activists: No, that is out-dated and pathologizing. Women are women because they have a gender identity which makes them women.
Women: Um, we thought we were woman because we’re female?
Trans activists: No, you are women because you have magic womanish essence that makes you women. We have the same magic womanish essence as you, it’s just that ours got stuck in the wrong body.
Feminists: That sounds kind of sexist. Can you tell us what this woman-essence is, and how it gets stuck in the wrong body, because that sounds like a weird metaphys…..
Trans activists: It’s SCIENCE.
Feminists: Science says there’s ‘magic woman essence’??? Are you sure? Because feminism would…
Trans activists: Shut up bigots.
Jumping ahead (do read it all) –
*Enter Intersectional Feminists from top, bottom and side of screen….*
Feminists: Hang on, we thought you were feminists. We thought you cared about female people.
Intersectional feminists: Female people are so last century. Only White Feminists care about female people.
Feminists: White what?
Intersectional feminists: All the feminists before us were white middle-class women and they only cared about what white middle-class women care about and they were only interested in getting good jobs for white middle-class women and they didn’t care about Black women and were dried up whorephobic prudes who didn’t realize sex work was liberating and mostly they just wanted to kill trans people.
Feminists: That sounds like some mad-ass caricature.
Intersectional feminists: You would say that, you oppressive old crones. You’re just saying that to maintain your power.
Feminists: No we’re not, we don’t have much power. We’re saying it because it sounds like bullshit. *Starts trying to explain all the things second wave feminism did to help women*
Intersectional feminists: We’re not listening to you, you oppressive bitches. We’ve hidden all your books in the library to protect young minds from them. You are whorephobes and transphobes and racists. We are intersectional. Only we have learned from the Tumblr-oracle how all the different oppressions have different points on a scale that add up to who is the most oppressed and you are white (so are we mostly but we’re pointing at you because somehow that means something, maybe because we have asymmetric hair-cuts and our profile pics give great side-eye) and you are women and that means that you are the least oppressed and that means that your feminism is shit and that means that you have to centre all these other people in your feminism and if you refuse it’s because you’re the oppressors and the most oppressed people are trans women and they must be the centre of feminism from now on.
Feminists: You want us to centre male born people in our feminism?
Intersectional feminists: THAT’S RIGHT BITCHES. And there is no such thing as ‘male-born people.’ That is cissexism and is literal violence. You need to educate yourselves. We don’t have the spoons.
But at the end there’s a peripateia.
Ha, pretty spot on, especially the cries of “literal violence” and “you’re denying my right to exist [in a world where everyone agrees with me]”.
There are so many good lines in this that it’s hard to pick a favorite. Here are a couple I like:
Civic institution: Okay, we won’t let the bigot speak. I mean, she’s just a feminist, right?
Woke bros and assorted leftie-misogynists: *Jumping up and down with excitement* WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY UPPITY BITCHES.
I absolutely love this. It is a brilliant summation of recent history.
I remember coming in at the Prologue, and not realising until Episode 1: Scene 1 that the Prequel had been happening elsewhere, and becoming horrified as I gradually discovered that MRAs had invented a new notion called ‘transgenderism’, sneaked in and taken over transsexual spaces, invaded lesbian spaces, and were well on the way into erasing all female spaces.
Very clever of them, of course. Because when the shit hits the fan, they’ll go back to being anonymous men and it’ll be transsexual people who get the blowback. And women will have to start all over again building the spaces and opportunities that our foremothers had already struggled to create.