White men only
Arlington National Cemetery has scrubbed information about prominent Black, Hispanic and female service members and topics such as the Civil War from its website, part of a broader effort across the Defense Department to remove all references to diversity, equity and inclusion from its online presence.
Well…all references that the Trump people at the Defense Department consider “references to diversity, equity and inclusion.” There are other ways of naming information about women and non-white people.
A cemetery spokesperson confirmed Friday that it removed internal links directing users to webpages listing the dozens of “Notable Graves” of Black, Hispanic and female veterans and their spouses.
On these pages, users could read short biographies about the people buried in the cemetery, including Gen. Colin L. Powell, the youngest and first Black chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Hector Santa Anna, a World War II B-17 bomber pilot, Berlin Airlift pilot and career military leader; members of the Tuskegee Airmen, the country’s first Black military airmen whose accomplishments include completing more than 1,800 missions during World War II; and members of the6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, the only all-Black, all-female Women’s Army Corps unit to serve overseas during World War II.
Users could also read about Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first Black person to sit on the high court, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is buried alongside her husband, Martin Ginsburg, an Army veteran.
Ugly ugly ugly.
How the wheel turns.
The GOP were always known as the party of Hawks, the military could always have whatever they wanted, regardless of need or cost. Current and former military were venerated as demiGods.
Now, in the land where the Orange People are Kings, there shalt be no other Gods before Him. How long before he turns Arlington into a golf course?
DEI under MAGA has, quite predictably, turned from alleged illegal preference for POC, women, or gays, into absolutely any mention of them at all. They really do want a return to the 1950s. Women should be at home, keeping quiet and doing housework when not providing sex. POC should be doing menial jobs and know their place. Gays of course shouldn’t exist.
Rob, socially they want a return to the 1950s. Not for business, though. Unions were strong in the 1950s, and manufacturing workers made good money. Also, safety regulations were keeping young men from dying in industrial accidents, but they cost money.
What they want for business is to return to the 1880s. Pay was shit, unions were not protected, if they existed, and they could pay people with company scrip, which could only be used in company stores and to rent substandard company housing.
1880s minus even a smidge of noblesse oblige…
They want us sick, poor, and isolated… How else are you gonna keep immigration down?
Well, he’s already turned his Bedminster golf course into a cemetery for one, so I doubt that he would feel much compunction about throwing out the remains of all those “suckers & losers” (particularly the non-white ones) and turning the Arlington National Cemetery into a golf course like you’ve never seen.
Are other US government websites going to scrub any mention of the ‘DEI hires’ who discovered CRISPR?
Yes, I believe Trump’s touchstone for America’s greatness would be the 1950’s. He would have personal memories of that; he certainly wouldn’t be cognizant of history of the 1880’s. It could be argued that if there was a time of American greatness, it would have been in this Post-war period. I believe that MAGA proponents confuse the fact that America was great despite the period’s racism, sexism, homophobia, environmental shortsightedness, etc. not because of it. They seem to think that stripping away these hard-won rights and protections will magically return America to “greatness.” It’s cargo-cult thinking, but Donald Trump is not John Frum, and the promised prosperity he claims to bring with him will be enjoyed by only a very few. The rest of his followers will have little but the satisfaction of seeing those they blame for their plight suffering alongside them. The hoped for “Greatness” will always be a little beyond the horizon, a tawdry Red, White, and Blue Second Coming, which, like the original it was modelled on, never manages to show up.