The research cannot find the benefits
Some fads are more destructive than others.
More than 1,000 patients a year are sent for transgender chest surgery on the NHS. Data obtained by The Telegraph show for the first time the number of referrals for taxpayer-funded “masculinising” mastectomies from specialised gender clinics.
As many as 80 per cent of people using those services are females between the ages of 17 and 25. The 1,000-plus referrals could be the tip of the iceberg, because many people have transgender surgery privately to bypass long NHS waiting lists.
100 percent of people getting “masculinising mastectomies” are females, because males already have the end result of a “masculinising mastectomy.”
Zhenya Abbruzzese, co-founder and senior adviser at the Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine (SEGM), said: “We are concerned that young people are being told that these procedures will relieve their distress when the research cannot find the benefits, but the harms of losing a functioning body part are certain.”
And it’s even worse than that. It’s not just that girls are being told that having their tits removed will make them happy, it’s also that they are being told, along with everyone else, that not rushing to have girls’ and women’s tits cut off on demand is peak evil transphobic wicked badness.
An NHS spokesman said: “Masculinising chest surgery is only available to adult patients who have a clinical diagnosis of gender dysphoria from a specialist NHS clinic.
Oh really? “Clinical” in what sense? “Specialist clinic” in what sense? What if it’s not real? What if none of it is real, and it’s just a bizarre destructive fad, and cutting one’s tits off for a fad is a seriously bad idea? What then?
The Mediaeval and afterwards castrati were male singers with bits lopped off to prevent their boy-soprano voices from breaking. Some proportion of them must have regretted being pushed into having that irreversible procedure. And no eunuch thus created ever became a female eunuch; just a formerly male one.
A ‘clinical diagnosis’ of a mental disorder is pretty easy to arrange if you’ve been immersed in the fad even briefly. Just book an appointment with a doctor friendly to gender-woo, say the right things, and hey presto! A diagnosis of genderspecialness.
I think there could be breast reduction surgeries for males with gynecomastia. I still think the surgery is done more than 80% on young females. That’s the cash cow that’s driving all the “masculinization” surgeries.
And yet if you rock up to a doctor and ask to have your perfectly healthy arm amputated because you think it’s deformed, or causing you pain, or infected with lizard DNA, they call you crazy, refuse to operate and call for counselling.
It would not surprise me to find that some significant percentage of these surgeries are performed on women over 25. (I know a woman who had such a surgery when in her 30s.) I don’t know if the sentence from the article meant to “include” men in the statistic, but I took it to mean that 80% of the operations were women 17-25 and most of the rest were women >25 (and perhaps some were girls <17).
The eunuch is still male.
Sackbut: Nit again.
And it is just semantics from here on. A steer is an ex-bull which can no longer perform a bull’s reproductive function. But it still has some male organs, and is definitely not female. So in that qualified sense, it can be included in the category ‘male,’ while remembering that the third category, ‘steer,’ was created long ago for just that distinguishing purpose.
Three kinds of mature cattle (of any and all breeds) on this basis: bulls, cows, and steers. Anyone in the cattle business will tell you that, and will bother to keep insisting on it till the cows come home.
Or, just say “good point” or similar.