The progressives blindly went along with it

Hadley Freeman tells an important truth:

I assume that, by now, most Sunday Times readers are au fait with gender ideology, which contends that a man magically becomes a woman simply because he claims to feel like one. Left-wing papers and politicians gasped in horror at Trump’s bill, and the congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez insisted only “bigoted” people would see males in women’s sport as a presidential priority. But President Biden opened women’s sports teams to males on his first day in office. This led to the deluge of videos of males clattering their female opponents, which ultimately curdled public opinion. You can’t argue that the question of males in women’s sports teams is the civil rights issue of our generation, and then insist only bigots focus on it just because you don’t like their answer.

The left was the big champion of gender ideology, and the right the naysayers, but it’s so easy to imagine it the other way round. Arguing that men’s desires should take priority over women’s safety, and any woman who objects to males in their private spaces should be denounced as a prude and a bigot: that really could be a far-right argument. And yet, because rapacious activist groups realised there was money to be made in convincing progressives that trans rights were exactly the same as gay rights, the progressives blindly went along with it. And, in doing so, left the door wide open for Trump and Elon Musk, who only had to say “men are not women” to look like the sane ones in the room.

In short, the left forgets that women matter too yet again. We thought they had learned that lesson.

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