The menstruating population

George Mason University shouts Breaking Barriers for Menstruators:

Menstrual equity has been a prevalent topic that is kept behind closed doors for centuries, even though it requires more attention and recognition in our society.


Wtf is a “prevalent topic”? How do you keep any kind of topic “behind closed doors”? What centuries are we talking about? Was there a time before all those centuries when “menstrual equity” was front and center?

Menstrual equity can be referred to as the idea that 

Wait wait wait – you mean “defined as.” Not “referred to” but “defined as.”

Why is a barely literate adolescent allowed to write rules and regulations for a university?

Period poverty is a kind of poverty that is least talked about, but it is also the kind of poverty that affects menstruators all around the world. It may seem like I am heavily trying to focus on the term “menstruator”, because this is a neutral and impartial term that we all must try to use.

Why did George Mason University see fit to include this execrably written drivel on its official website?

Menstruation should not be associated with certain genders only as this biological phenomenon is experienced by individuals belonging to diverse gender identities.

Wrong. Exactly wrong. The thing you claim is the opposite of the truth.

An individual does not have to be a menstruator in order to empower menstrual equity around us. I come from a developing country, Bangladesh, where only 15% of the menstruating population has the privilege to afford proper period products- and this is the reality of many other regions around the world as well. 

Ok well that explains the clumsy wording, so I withdraw the part about the barely literate adolescent. (I comment as I read, rather than reading the whole thing before commenting. Risky, but I want to pin down first reactions.) But what a tragedy that someone from Bangladesh of all places has been befuddled by this trendy luxury ideology that’s bad for women.

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