The asymmetry

Laurence Krauss joined the people reposting Jerry Coyne’s heretical piece, and a reader named Maria Comninou added a valuable comment:

For me, the asymmetry in the debate about transgender rights, i.e., the fact that it focuses on or originates from transwomen and requires biological women to define their womanhood is indicative of covert misogyny, perpetrated even by those who expound their transgender rights credentials. I do not see articles asking “what is a man?” or answering “I do not know what is a man”. Some of the transactivist language towards biological women conceals an effort to denigrate or erase them and is consistent with male behavior towards females. It betrays the very masculinity they want to deny. 

It’s true – such articles are either very rare or non-existent. And that disparity reveals and underlines the misogyny behind all this almost as if it had been planned that way. “Hey, here’s an idea! Let’s tease and annoy women by some of us claiming to be women and then trolling the shit out of them when they object! Hahahahaha what a great idea, it will drive them nuts!!

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