Seeing Queerly

Lego has bumps and slots. That’s heteronormative AND transphobic.

Lego can be anti-LGBT, the Science Museum has said.

A self-guided museum tour on “stories of queer communities, experiences and identities” includes a display of Lego bricks alongside a guide stating the plastic blocks may reinforce the idea that heterosexuality “is the norm”.

The tour, devised by a Gender and Sexuality Network at the museum, also claims in the “Seeing Things Queerly” guide that Lego adds credence to the view that there are only two genders.

This is because people supposedly describe Lego bricks as having male or female parts that are made to “mate” with each other.

This is “heteronormative”, the guide states…

Ok so how do you connect the bricks without some kind of slot plus slot-fitting protuberance arrangement? Please inform.

Other stops on the Seeing Queerly tour, advertised on the Science Museum’s official website, include a display of the Billy Doll, a toy launched in 1992 that was intended to depict a gay man.

A Spitfire has also been included, because a pilot who flew one of the Second World War fighter planes, Roberta Cowell, born Robert Marshall Cowell, would later have transgender surgery. Cowell “was the first British trans woman to undergo gender-affirming surgery and change her birth certificate”, the guide states.

And the Spitfire proves it. Or something.

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