Punish the women or no?
More from Team Women May Not Have Anything Just For Women:
Councillors in Edinburgh are considering whether to remove funding from a service that does not support trans women.
What kind of service, you evasive schmucks?
Alex Staniforth, a Scottish Greens councillor, has lodged a motion calling for a review of how the local authority allocates funds to domestic abuse services.
Oh that kind. Well guess what: sometimes women-only services are necessary for women who have experienced domestic abuse. Sometimes that need matters more than the frivolous desire to play Let’s Pretend on the part of selfish demanding entitled doods.
The move is a reaction to an announcement from Edinburgh Women’s Aid (EWA), one of Scotland’s largest domestic abuse charities, that it will not allow trans women or non-binary males to use its 24-hour refuges or group counselling services.
It’s women’s aid. It says so on the tin. It’s for women, so it’s not for men, so men don’t get to use the service, which is for women. Women are allowed to have that; women are allowed to provide that. Men have no right to bounce up and demand services that have never been intended for them. Build your own you pathetic bullies.
Staniforth expressed the concern that if trans women are not welcome to use single-sex services they have no alternative provision. “If there is a blanket ban on trans people accessing the service that is not acceptable,” the councillor said.
The ban is on men. That is entirely acceptable. Men are not a shunned neglected oppressed exploited class.
“It would be completely inappropriate for [a trans woman] to try to access men’s services. We wouldn’t allow any other minority women to be just cast aside completely like that.”
Men are not “minority women.” Men are men.
Lisa Mackenzie, of the policy analysts Murray Blackburn Mackenzie, said councillors from other parties should unite to reject Staniforth’s motion.
Mackenzie said: “This is a moment for all the mainstream parties to back the courage of the leadership at EWA in standing up for the needs of women they serve, and pushing back against the pressure to adopt self-ID polices, based on poor legal advice.
“We hope that parties on the council that really listen to women will take the chance to distance themselves from this motion.”
Men who playact being women should not have a veto on women’s need for women’s services. Ever.
I’ve said repeatedly and firmly that I would cheerfully support trans-specific services and facilities. Trans individuals have a host of medical, social and psychological issues that would likely be better serviced by a narrowly tailored approach. But transwomen, in particular, never seem interested in that.
Who would have thought that anyone would ever look to Morgane Oger as a role model?
Freemage, of course they’re not interested in trans-specific services (which they disingenuously equate with racial segregation), they will settle for nothing less than full access to everything that women have. How else are the little darlings supposed to have their self-delusions validated?
For centuries, women had no provision for relief from domestic violence. Women — the sex with fewer rights, and less money than men — created shelters from the ground up. It took decades for such shelters to be sufficiently established to win support from the general community, and to qualify for government grants.
Men and trans people who are victims of domestic violence now stand in the position where women were mere decades ago. If there is a sufficient need — and indeed there may be — for men to seek refuge from domestic violence, then they can create an “alternative provision” for themselves.
It’s so very like T, however, to latch parasitically onto the groundwork done by other movements, instead of doing their own work. They forced themselves into the LG civil rights movement. They entirely took over and hollowed out LG organizations, supplanting any consideration for the rights of gay men and lesbians, and making it about all T all the time.
This is another instance of parasitism, appropriating to themselves the gains made by feminists, and subverting the women’s work to serve the desires (not needs) of a small group of entitled men. They never do any work of their own. They want everyone else to do everything for them.