No YOU decolonize

Now from the other main branch of looney tunes – the people running the Shakespeare Trust announce that Shakespeare wasn’t all that and besides he was white so let’s all stop paying any attention to his stupid old plays and poetry.

William Shakespeare’s birthplace is being “decolonised” following concerns about the playwright being used to promote “white supremacy”.

Shakespeare’s Birthplace Trust owns buildings linked to the Bard in his home town of Stratford-upon-Avon. The trust also owns archival material including parish records of the playwright’s birth and baptism.

It is now “decolonising” its vast collection to “create a more inclusive museum experience”.

Hang on. Wait just a second. I have a better idea. How about the people doing this get different jobs so that people who actually see the point of Mr S can take over. Wouldn’t that be both simpler and less destructive?

The trust has stated that some items in its collections and archives may contain “language or depictions that are racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise harmful”.

Well yes. Things have changed over the past four centuries, so naturally Shakespeare’s thoughts won’t be identical to our much purer thoughts…and yet, if you actually pay attention to the plays, you eventually notice that he wrote a lot of very meaty roles for the cross-dressed boys to play. You eventually notice that he created a lot of highly intelligent, witty, brave, mouthy female characters. If you read his contemporaries at all you’re struck by the contrast. There aren’t a whole hell of a lot of Rosalinds or Violas or Cordelias in Webster or Jonson.

The process of “decolonising”, which typically means moving away from Western perspectives, comes after concerns were raised that Shakespeare’s genius was used to advance ideas about “white supremacy”.

The claims were made in a 2022 collaborative research project between the trust and Dr Helen Hopkins, an academic at the University of Birmingham.

The research took issue with the trust’s quaint Stratford attractions, comprising the supposed childhood homes and shared family home of Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway, his wife, because the Bard was presented as a “universal” genius.

This idea of Shakespeare’s universal genius “benefits the ideology of white European supremacy”, it was claimed.

The best thing about this is how strikingly original it is.

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