Nice LGBT+ training, Karl
A Met Police training officer called anti-transgender women a “bunch of lesbians”, a tribunal has heard. Sgt Karl Eccott, an LGBT+ training officer, allegedly made the comments in a session with trainee Melanie Newman, who is now bringing harassment and direct discrimination claims against the Met.
Ms Newman claimed in her witness statement to the tribunal, held in Croydon, south London, that the Met Police was a “hostile environment” for anyone with gender-critical opinions.
That’s so Met Policey. Women are horrible and deserve whatever they get, while trans women are saints and deserve endless flattery and the chance to abuse women.
Ms Newman is now a detective constable with the Met, based in the child abuse investigation team in Croydon, the tribunal heard.
She listed several “symptoms” of what she called an anti-gender-critical narrative at the Met, including the invitation of trans activists to speak who she said were “extremely hostile” to gender-critical people.
Eva Echo, a transgender activist, told a 2023 Trans Day of Visibility (TDOV) seminar that trans people needed to be “saved” from gender-critical people, who had “warped, twisted views”, Ms Newman claimed.
There it is again. Trans “women” are invited to give seminars, while actual women are called names.
Imagine the Met bringing in white people in blackface to give seminars while abusing actual black people as warped and twisted.
The Met doesn’t do that, but it does do the equivalent to women. Why?
Ms Newman – who describes herself as gender-critical, having a belief in only two sexes – claimed speakers at the event delivered a one-sided “invective” and she “couldn’t believe” what she was hearing.
She doesn’t have a “belief” in only two sexes. The “belief” is the one that says men can be women and women can be men. Two sexes is just a very obvious fact.
She added: “The impression I had was of someone who deeply loathed [gender-critical] women. I did not perceive Echo as a woman but as an angry man.”
She later complained internally but was told no further action would be taken because the transgender activist was not an employee.
Again, I have to wonder – would she have been told that if she had complained about a blatantly poisonously racist speaker? In the past, yes, but now, I don’t think so.
Ms Newman said she did not challenge New Scotland Yard’s TDOV event at the time because senior officers had “effectively endorsed” it.
On why she was now suing the Met, she added: “I feel only a public ruling that TDOV was discriminatory and an act of harassment in the context of all these facts will persuade the MPS that its reaction to my complaint to this date has been inadequate and that more decisive management action in support of [gender critical] staff is needed.”
Det Chief Insp Charlotte Cadden, who is a lesbian, agreed the event was “discriminatory”.
She said: “The homophobic terminology used by two of the speakers is classed as offensive by many gay people and felt specifically oppressive to me as a lesbian officer.”
Aileen McColgan KC, acting on behalf of the Met, told Ms Cadden the purpose of the TDOV event was to “celebrate trans identity”.
Well yes, that’s quite clear, but why? Why do the police need to celebrate trans idenniny”? Especially at the expense of female idenniny? Why are men who pretend to be women saints while actual women are garbage? Why can we never get out of this pit of loathing and contempt?
Somehow both extraordinary and unsurprising that the LGBT+ Training Officer feels contempt for lesbian women.
Wait. This is, supposedly an LGT+ training officer, using “lesbian” in a way that can only be considered as pejorative? Hello, lesbians are supposed to be part of the “community” you’re allegedly doing training for and about. Remember the L? (Hint: it’s right there in front.) And what if they were all lesbians? What would be wrong with that?. Obviously you think something is wrong with that because you’re dismissing and vilifying them, and saying that they can and should be ignored and disregarded, that their views are vile and disgusting.
Good thing it’s her and not Eccott in this post, as she’s going to be better at determining exactly who needs protection than Karl ever will.
I guess the Met hasn’t been keeping track of all those other employment tribunals that have pointed out and critisized trans over-reach and bigotry in the organizations being held to account, finding in favour of women who have stood up against the poisonous atmospheres permitted and enforced by their employers. Not satisfied with learning from the highlighting of pervasive, deliberate discrimination practiced by other captured institutions, the Met decided to forge ahead and put themselves through this embarrassing spectacle of having their noses rubbed in their own bigotry.
Newman can count. She saw four lights. Good thing she didn’t write a limerick.
I guess “Eva Echo” didn’t read How to Win Friends and Influence People. But with the power of the Met behind him, and officers like Karl, why argue and persuade, when he can just use bullying and intimidation. Who needs to marshal facts when you can yell and scream and point? What’s good for the public is good for the Force, right?