Guest post: Winners because they stood firm

Originally a comment by Rev David Brindley on Buzzing nonstop.

iknklast is partially right about “victims being losers”, but there is a bigger issue in play here.

These people were not losers, they were winners. Winners because they stood firm against a Trump inspired attempted coup. Winners because they put themselves on the line to protect Senators and staff from a violent insurrection.

And that, in Trump’s eyes, makes them traitors who must be punished, and as the law doesn’t currently allow him to punish them, he will let loose his dogs of war.

When America is no longer “The shining light on the hill” (if it ever was), don’t blame Trump and the GOP or those like ikinklast’s family members, put the blame squarely where it belongs on the lily livered weak kneed Democrats who put their own sinecures before country. They failed in their one job, to protect the Republic.

Biden could have, but chose not to, grant a Presidential Medal of Freedom to any of those brave souls, instead he chose to reward a Pope, a Transactivist, and a dead tech entrepreneur.

Why, he could have even followed the British Example when as a recognition of sacrifice during WW2, the George Cross was awarded to Malta, and for recognition of their standing between the Orange and the Green, it was awarded to the Royal Ulster Constabulary in 1999.

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