
Guest post: Being a woman is not a performative activity

Originally a comment by maddog1129 on Differences.

What’s this “cis women” business? There’s no reason for “cis” to describe what we used to call “women” until very recently. Your forced labeling of women as “cis” women doesn’t even apply to many women you are trying to shove into that category. To the extent gender ideologists have provided a definition, “cis” as a descriptor of women is a “gender identity,” not a sex. Some women (sex) “identify with” or, more incoherently, “identify as,” or are comfortable with the bundle of gender stereotypes arbitrarily ascribed to women in some culture. News flash: since at least the 1970s, many feminist women have been pointing out that the social constructs of gender roles and stereotypes imposed on women are trappings and shackles of subordination, with no necessary application to any individual woman. Many feminists reject the notion of “gender” out of hand, and specifically do not “identify” with or as the bonds of oppression created for them. There is therefore a large swath of women (sex) who don’t have a gender identity at all. We are not “cis.” It’s not for you gender ideologists to impose a label onto others against their will.

The word “women” refers to adult humans who are female. It’s a word for the sex of the people spoken of.

BY DEFINITION, only a man (sex) can be a trans woman. That’s what the term “trans” signifies: he is a man and not a member of the sex class of women.

You WISH that the words “women” and “men” had “evolved” to slough off any connection to sex, but they haven’t, despite your fervent and desperate efforts to force such a change.

Sex is real. Sex matters. There are distinct differences between women and men, and these differences have profound effects on women (the sex), including SEXual assault, male pattern violence against women and girls, the SEXual risk of pregnancy, as well as needs peculiar to women, for women’s privacy, dignity, and safety. That’s why many facilities, spaces, services, etc., are segregated by sex, not by “gender identity.”

As much as you WISH there weren’t significant differences between women, and trans-identified men, where segregation is by sex, the differences are profound.

Men may conduct themselves so as to appear feminine. They are free to do so to their hearts’ content. They might be able in time to establish that adopting the trappings of femininity is a “valid” way for a man to live. In that sense, they might be “valid,” but it’s got nothing to do with women, or with what it is to be a member of the sex class called women. No matter what the man does to himself, he cannot change his sex. He will never be a woman. Being a woman is not a performative activity. It is a biological fact. A trans woman might “deserve” some recognition for creating a different way for men to be men, but no amount of effort, performance, wishing, sacrifice, or hardship will ever mean that a man “deserves” to be “recognized” as the sex he is not. To this, women say “No.”

“Trans women are men.”

That’s the truth. Your mantra is a lie. Trans women are NOT women. Not ever. Repeating a lie a million times doesn’t make it true. It’s still a lie.

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