Gone to join the choir invisible
I thought it was true for a few minutes, until I looked for more sources.
Nobody died. It’s the old “he’s dead to me.” His kid fell for the gender idiocy, and that’s a terrible thing, but it’s also a terrible thing – it’s a worse thing – to tell the world your kid is dead when what you mean is he went in a direction you can’t stand.
I don’t blame Musk for hating the direction, and I don’t blame him for being furious about the gender idiocy. I do blame him for turning that on the kid.
Mind you, it probably does feel like that. The kid he knew is gone, and that has to be brutal. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But still the kid is not literally dead. Estranged is not dead. Estranged is terrible, but it’s still not dead.
Vivian Wilson, a 20-year-old college student who was born Xavier Musk, swung back after her estranged father expressed his anguish over her gender transition and blamed the “woke mind virus” for fueling the surge in young people identifying as the opposite sex.
“I think he was under the assumption that I wasn’t going to say anything, and I would just let this go unchallenged,” Ms. Wilson told NBC News in a Thursday phone interview. “Which I’m not going to do, because if you’re going to lie about me, like, blatantly to an audience of millions, I’m not just gonna let that slide.”
Ms. Wilson, who legally changed her name and gender identification in 2022, said her father was largely absent during her childhood, calling him “cold,” “quick to anger,” “uncaring” and “narcissistic.”
Other than that he’s a real mensch.
We gender-critical activists condemned the TRAs for cutting off and publicly denouncing friends and relatives who expressed even the most polite and tepid criticisms of the genderwoo. It was an integral part of their activism, and we rightly stood against it:
We shouldn’t support Musk for publicly cutting off his child like this.
Those are his best points. But what are his worst?
I’m sure his gleeful “woodchipper” destruction of USAID will result in quite a few deaths, so that “No” is premature, and extremely blinkered wishfull thinking. Actions have consequences, and his actions will end up killing people..
Instead of takong any responsibility for being a shitty parent, Musk allies with Jordan Peterson (who lends very little credibility to his account) in order to what — blame society after the fact?! No, it’s the kid’s fault, it’s woke’s fault, blah blah. It’s too late to be a good dad now, stupid. Musk’s priorities are obvious. How much time, when one’s children are young, should one play video games to reach the top levels? Among other things I’m sure.
Yes, it could and likely will, indirectly cost some people their lives. People like Musk don’t care about that, but also the lack of action is also an ethical failure. Peter Singer wrote a persuasive essay — Famine, Affluence, and Morality that addresses that issue. When anyone has that much wealth, being that greedy and merciless is obscene.
The constrast between Jeff Bezos and his ex-wife McKenzie is a good illustration, although I don’t think Bezos has nearly the moral shortcomings that Musk does.
Instead of trying to kill the “woke mind virus,” Musk should try killing “Musk derangement syndrome.” But he won’t, he doesn’t have what it takes to figure that one out. Maybe Peterson could help, if he wasn’t so self impressed and in the same boat, and hoodwinked by Musk himself.
Mostly Cloudy @ 1 – who’s “we”? Do you think I “support Musk for publicly cutting off his child like this” in the post? I repeat: “I don’t blame Musk for hating the direction, and I don’t blame him for being furious about the gender idiocy. I do blame him for turning that on the kid.”
Regardless of the Musk’s family issues, Hitler didn’t just randomly decide to kill millions of people on a whim. He did it because he was motivated by a certain ideology. That ”quirky salute” is generally undrestood as an expression of agreement with / support for that very same genocidal ideology as well Hitler himself and his actions. Musk could have saluted the dangerous authoritarian leader with whom he has decided to make common cause in any number of ways, but he chose to express his support in that particular way, presumably for a reason. You can insist that nothing ever means anything beyond its most literal interpretation (”The swastika is an ancient symbol that has nothing to do with nazism!”, ”Trump didn’t say exactly what the 2nd Amendment People were supposed to do to Hillary!”, ”It’s just a middle finger!”, ”All he said was that it’s a nice store and that it would be a shame if something happened to it. What’s wrong with that? Are you saying it wouldn’t be a shame?”), but the rest of us can see exactly what you are doing.
Not to mention the rest of the world…
Agreed, Bjarte. Hitler’s moustache was “quirky”. The salute is simply a banal statement of fascism. (It’s seems utterly bizarre to me that many otherwise rational people can’t grasp that.)
Isn’t Musk saying exactly what his son asked him to? The trans doctrine says that to refer to Xavier Musk is to use a “deadname,” ergo his son is dead, per his own request. Now this young “woman” comes along and says “hey, no fair saying I’m dead.” Make up your mind.
Also rewritten: it wasn’t Musk who distanced himself from Xavier. Xavier disowned Elon, not the other way around.
“Elon Musk’s transgender daughter has applied to legally change her name and gender, saying she no longer wants to “be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form”
Again, Elon is complying with his son’s wishes. Now the complaints?
Yeah, don’t think Musk gets off that easy… Who gave his kid the mind virus? His shitty genes and shitting parenting.
Frankly, I feel sorry for any child of Elon Musk’s, whether they have ‘transitioned’ or not, and whatever their sexual preferences, and think they have every right to complain.
@BKiSR, I’m sure that Musky is a shitty parent. How could he be a good parent to all the random spawn of his multiple baby-mommas? Even the four year old he’s carrying around like a meat shield these days he’s going to lose interest in and walk away from soon enough, and his mom will be trying to tweet at him to get his attention. There’s no family there, no real stability, and I doubt Elon is actually capable of love. Also, he’s an utter tool who is destroying America. And we should revoke his citizenship and deport him to South Africa.
That said, great parents and wonderful people also have the trans cult invade their children’s minds. Some of them lose their children forever because of it. It’s not their fault.
I don’t think he’s even complaining, more like defending himself. This kid, for whatever reasons/influences, has chosen his path. Public shaming and humiliation are not productive. Musk is too stupid to understand that. If the kid was dead to him, he wouldn’t be talking about it, and if the kid was really dead, he’d be even more stupid to talk about it, particularly in public. The high drama of dysfunction has some kind of twisted entertainment value I suppose, with Musk being the center of attention. I’m not sure he and Trump’s egos can coexist for much longer.
I’ll second that. Time for him to stop raping American taxpayers and having control over US government employees and officials’ lives. It’s an outrage.
I was actually going to make the second point, but saw you already did, so I’ll add to it. Not everything a kid does or becomes is the result of lousy parenting. There are a tremendous number of influences on kids besides the parents, and one of them is social contagion. This ‘mind virus’ appears to be spread through peers more than through parents, though of course there are many parents who are complicit with their children’s fantasy.
Ophelia Benson #7 – I made that post in haste, and I shouldn’t have used the word “We” in it.
Pronouns, eh? They’re such sneaky bastards! No wonder the pronoun wars never end.
Frankly I don’t know why we ever moved away from amateur nouns.