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Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Cult Survivors (and their Supporters)
Solisa Zamora · 8m ·
@everyone This is your friendly reminder that hate is not welcome here. We recognize all genders, we affirm your identity and we do see color and acknowledge and fully honor and respect it. There is no space here for any of the “-ism’s” Anything to the contrary will be dealt with as quickly as possible, please remember to tag or report to mods/admins. Thank you.
No space here for any of the “isms”? So saying that men can be women and that you can’t say otherwise is not an ism? Saying a man is not a woman is an ism while saying a man is a woman is not?
How exactly does that work?
I feel bad for the ones who lurch directly from one cult to another — the ones who rid their minds of Christian extremism but then can’t help but fill the empty mould in their minds with something else toxic. I’ve known people like that. It’s tragic, but you get a sense that their minds are set like gelatin: if you had gotten to them sooner, they might have been open to what you’re saying, to fundamentally rewiring their minds. But the time for that has elapsed and the brain goo has gelled: they’re set in a mindset that needs a religion of some kind or another, and that’s just how they’re gonna be, probably until the day that they die.
It’s part of the reason that the religion vs. atheism battle is generational: they get them young, before we get to them.
So, they see color, but they don’t see sex? Pretending not to see sex is problematic in many of the same ways as pretending not to see color – it’s interesting that this hasn’t occured to them.
Well, except hating women, of course. That’s not only welcome, but encouraged. It’s practically an article of faith.
So what if someone speaks of survivorism? For a survivors group, surely that should be acceptable. And yes, even though I recognize the dynamics of being a survivor (being one myself), it can still become an ism.
Back in my militant atheist days I once talked to a Christian who argued that atheism was a “religion” (or an “ideology” etc.) because the word itself ends in “ism”. I told him that was an interesting way to look at electromagnetism and left it at that.
I’m going to guess sexism manages to escape their notice.
How many ex IFB transwomen are there? Is this little piety in response to any real problem, or just another gesture of the forcibly ‘teamed?’
I think that an excellent way of getting the point across. Ignoring the biological reality of sex is just as much a false virtue as not seeing colour. It’s just a mistake people keep making so it’s not really your fault. You changed on that, you can change on this. I think we are at the stage where a lot of people are looking for an out and we need to give them as many as possible.