Defeating the purpose

You have got to be kidding.

The Daily Mail (because the Guardian and the BBC are looking fixedly in the opposite direction):

Police forces are allowing trans officers to carry multiple warrant cards depending on the gender they choose on a given day.

At least 11 forces in England and Wales use the policy, blasted as dangerous by women’s groups.

Trans officers can receive two warrant cards, or more if they are ‘gender fluid’.

Police officers use warrant cards to identify themselves and they must be shown before using powers including stop and search.

Which is, surely, so that people being stopped and searched can be assured it’s a cop interfering with them and not, say, some random guy who has his own reasons for wanting to “search” a woman. So what’s the point of it if it explicitly allows male cops to pretend to be women and show a warrant card to back it up?

Two thirds of forces also allow biological male trans officers and civilian staff to use women’s showers, toilets and changing rooms, according to a Freedom of Information request by the Daily Mail.

MPs and campaigners last night said the policies threaten women’s safety and could breach the rights of police staff, suspects and victims.

“Could” very very easily if you ask me.

Essex’s policy states that during early transition ‘there may be a need… to have two warrant cards, so that any off-duty incidents whilst living in acquired gender, do not result in the staff member having to ‘out’ themselves when proving identity’.

Oh shut up. Men pretending to be women should have to out themselves, especially if they’re cops.

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