
The Smithsonian must present US history as one long list of Very Excellent Things.

Trump issued an executive order Thursday evening promising to eliminate “improper, divisive, or anti-American ideology” from the Smithsonian Institution’s museums and restore “monuments, memorials, statues, markers” that have been removed over the past five years.

There can’t be anything “divisive” in Smithy museums. Hmmm. That means Smithy museums have to be empty. Everything is “divisive” to someone. People aren’t clones of each other, so their thoughts can differ, so there is never any guarantee that not one single person will say No.

The institution, the official keeper of the American story, has operated independently as a public-private partnership created by an act of Congress in 1846. The order comes as the institution has been expanding over decades to include a wider, richer and more diverse telling of the nation’s history.

“Over the past decade, Americans have witnessed a concerted and widespread effort to rewrite our Nation’s history, replacing objective facts with a distorted narrative driven by ideology rather than truth,” the executive order says. “This revisionist movement seeks to undermine the remarkable achievements of the United States by casting its founding principles and historical milestones in a negative light.”

You mean slavery? You mean slavery, don’t you. And you mean the genocides and removals of indigenous people. And you mean the exploitation of workers. And you mean the generalized contempt for women. And let’s not forget the internments of WWII.

There’s a lot to admire in our history, sure, but there’s also a lot to deplore. Pretending there’s nothing to deplore is just fatuous, and won’t fool anyone. Locking murderous rapist Uncle Harry in the attic won’t make his family look better.

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