But her emails
Nope, not kidding.
Nooo, it’s snappy dresser hire, a looks the part hire, a sir yes sir hire. Trump picks people based on how they look on tv.
I can’t disagree. They don’t come across as seasoned or wise or careful or responsible. They come across as…I dunno…kind of frat boyish?
These people, they’re not sending their best.
Maybe a sire yes sire hire?
And the most important question: Was Stormy Daniels included in this ring-around.?
The British are having a happy British time saying how classy a cock-up this is – our miserable security people leave documents on trains and buses.
Has Hegseth made a conscious decision to wear an Old Etonian tie?
The way I heard it is that Hegseth is a DUI hire.
Trump and the trumpies would rather be set on fire than go anywhere near public transportation.