All your words are wrong

The BBC repeats the lie yet again.

A transgender doctor is “only asking for basic respect” when it comes to having their gender identity accepted, an NHS employment tribunal has heard.

But it isn’t “basic respect” he’s demanding. It isn’t “basic respect” to pretend a man is a woman. It’s way beyond basic, and it’s not actually respect.

How about we start demanding some basic respect? Step one would be to tell these bullies to stop ordering us to pretend they are the opposite sex. We all have our own lives and concerns and goals, and we’re fed up to the back teeth with being told to waste a ton of intellectual energy on entitled brats who want us to devote a lot of our attention to them. No can do, children. We don’t know you and we don’t want to know you, and we sure as hell don’t want to jump just because you tell us to jump.

Dr Beth Upton also repeatedly insisted on being a woman after being called a man by lawyers during cross-examination.

You mean he insisted that he is a woman, or you mean he insisted on being called a woman. A man’s insisting on being a woman is just futility.

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