Administrators then supervised the locker room

National Review reports [because The Nation won’t]:

Illinois public school administrators tried to force a 13-year-old girl to change clothes in front of a biological male, in accordance with the district’s “inclusive” bathroom policy that allows transgender students to use whichever locker room corresponds with their chosen gender, the mother of the girl said at a Deerfield School District 109 School Board meeting on Thursday evening.

When Nicole Georgas’s 13-year-old daughter came home from Shepard Middle School on February 5, she was frightened and upset: A boy had been in the girl’s bathroom.

Georgas’s daughter was told by Deerfield administrators that because the male student identified as a female, he could use the girl’s locker room and bathroom, Georgas said. 

Yes and this tiger here identifies as a cocker spaniel so the tiger gets to use your living room.

“A few days later, the male student was present in the girls locker room. Feeling violated, the girls made the choice to not change into their PE clothes with the biological male student present,” Georgas said at the meeting.

Administrators then supervised the locker room to ensure that all girls were changing into their physical education clothes without protest, Georgas claimed. District 109 Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Joanna Ford, Assistant Principal Cathy Van Treese, and Director for Student Services Ginger Logemann tried to force the girls to change in front of the male student, Georgas said.

Seriously? They all went in there and tried to force the girls to take their clothes off in front of the boy? If that’s true it’s a whole new level.

Charlie Friedman, a transgender person and parent of a transgender middle schooler, lauded the Illinois gender-inclusive bathroom policy that “protects trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students from the type of bullying that this parent represents,” Charlie said, pointing to Georgas. 

And fails to protect all the other students from the kind of bullying that Charlie Friedman represents. “You MUST take your clothes off in front of a member of the opposite sex no matter how much you don’t want to” versus “I refuse to take my clothes off in front of a member of the opposite sex” – which is the real bullying?

“The discomfort or privacy concerns of other students, teachers, or parents are not valid reasons to deny or limit the full and equal use of those facilities based on a student’s gender related identity,” Charlie added.

Yes they are. Yes they are you Stalinist shithead.

Charlie, the director of operations for Trans Up Front, a non-profit advocacy organization, promised to “dig in to contact our coalition” to pressure the school board to enforce the bathroom policy.

Charlie promised to step up the bullying of the girls who don’t want to take their clothes off in front of a boy.

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