You just don’t

The quotation marks indicate a quotation, so I looked for it. Apparently it’s Fran Lebowitz who said it.

Anyway it’s true. It’s weirdly bizarrely shamingly true. I don’t know anyone as blatantly obviously shamelessly as stupid as Trump. It’s possible that I know some people who are approximately that stupid but if so they don’t flaunt it the way he does…which means they are less stupid than he is.

You can object that this unsurpassed stupidity of his got him elected president, but on the other hand it made billions of people aware of how profoundly stupid he is when they otherwise would have had no idea.

Anyway I really don’t know any other people who get up in public and babble like angry toddlers all day long. He really is uniquely thick in the head. It’s very shaming.

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