You can discriminate as long as it’s women who lose

California to women: sucks to be you.

A California surf competition has been told it must allow a transgender woman to compete in the women’s division or it will be in violation of state law. The California Coastal Commission said surf competitions could “not discriminate based on gender”.

So surf competitions can have women’s divisions, but they have to let men compete in them. That means women will never be able to win their own competitions, because there will always be men eager to take advantage of the California Coastal Commission’s idiotic rule.

Why is it ok to discriminate on the basis of sex but not on the basis of gender?

Stupid question: so as to enable men to cheat women out of any hope of winning. Duh.

Next question: why don’t the men who do this shit hate themselves? How do they sleep at night?

Todd Messick, whose American Longboard Association organises the competition, had announced on 25 April that the contest would not allow transgender women to compete in the women’s division, saying he wanted to “offer an equal playing field for all athletes”. He told the BBC he was “surprised by the amount of anger” that the decision generated, but added: “What I found too is that there was a lot of people very appreciative of me speaking up.”

Cool that the California Coastal Commission has ruled against a level playing field. Cool for men; end of competition for women.

Lowerson – an Australian who previously won men’s events in her home country – said she had encountered mostly positive attitudes in the world of competitive surfing when she began living as a woman.

Stop with the lying, Beeb. He’s a man, gloating over his power to cheat women.

Since transitioning, she has contributed to the development of new guidelines adopted by Australia’s national governing body allowing transgender women surfers to compete in women’s events.

That is, he has contributed to the development of new guidelines adopted by AusSurfers like Hamilton who oppose transgender women participating in the women’s event argue that they have an unfair strength advantage.Surfers like Hamilton who oppose transgender women participating in the women’s event argue that they have an unfair strength advantage.tralia’s national governing body allowing male surfers to compete in women’s events, thus destroying the events for women. Stop with the oily flattering lies, Beeb. The guy’s a shithead.

Surfers like Hamilton who oppose transgender women participating in the women’s event argue that they have an unfair strength advantage.

Of course they fucking do. Everybody knows they do. The BBC knows they do, it just pretends not to.

The surfer said that despite the furore she would continue to enter women’s events. “I’ve inadvertently become a poster-child for trans women in surfing,” she said. “Not that I wanted to do that, but it just kind of happened.”

That is, the guy said that despite women’s objections he would continue to enter their events and ruin them for women. Why is the BBC licking his bum so fervently?

“Sport is about community,” she added. “It’s about sharing and having fun with other like-minded people, and the fact we’re losing sight of that is really sad.”

Oh fuck you. The fact that you’re cheating women out of fair competition is what’s sad, you pious thieving cheating piece of crap. And fuck you too for quoting him, Beeb.

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