
I grabbed a bus way the hell north and east from here to a huge mostly wildish park on Lake Washington. Saw people playing cricket. Walked through big meadows full of long grass to the lake, and promptly turned back to the meadows because the area along the lake was full of people with picnics and so on. No problem, I can visit the lake in the cooler months and/or on rainy days. Crossed the road that traverses the park and went a few yards into a meadow and encountered

…a coyote.

Just the one, fortunately. It gazed at me calmly and then turned and trotted away.

I’ve encountered coyotes quite a few times lately – generally just running or walking down or across a street in the neighborhood. Single coyotes. Encountering one in a huge grassy meadow with no humans in sight or nearby is a tad different. What if one day it’s not one but five or eight or ten?

I hope I don’t find out.

I did once encounter a pack, when out for a walk with a dog friend long after dark. That was extremely unnerving. They…let’s say…accompanied us as we headed home.

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