Who’s that behind the shower curtain?

First of all, the headline is nonsensical.

Trans teachers must be allowed to use same showers as female colleagues, schools told

Trans teachers are people who call themselves teachers but have no training and don’t teach?

Or, “trans teachers” are males and females?

No, neither of those. They mean, of course, male teachers who claim to be women.

The lede also gets it wrong:

Trans teachers must be allowed to use the same showers and lavatories as female colleagues, schools have been told.

The second paragraph gets it right.

Training from the National Governance Association (NGA) tells governors that staff should be given access to the bathroom “available to other members of their newly acquired gender”.

There you go. It’s not “all trans people go in with the women”; it’s trans people go in with the people whose sex they pretend to be. Tangled, to be sure, but that’s because the whole idea is tangled.

Anyway, the point is, yet another pack of fools is saying men should be given access to women’s spaces no matter how vulnerable that makes the women, because men who claim to be women get to do whatever they want all the time.

The advice, seen by The Telegraph, goes on to suggest that requiring transgender people to use a disabled toilet instead of making reasonable adjustments “is not lawful or good practice”.

It reads: “Employees who have undergone gender reassignment or who are transgender must be supported to use all toilets and shower facilities which are available to other members of their newly acquired gender. Requiring transgendered people to use disabled toilet facilities instead of making reasonable adjustments is not lawful or good practice.”

See? There it is: trans people get to do whatever they want all the time. Trans people matter; women do not.

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