Which twin has the propaganda coup?

Guardian US columnist Moira Donegan waves the flag for Magic Gender:

The politicization of transgender children in the US is one of the most astounding coups of propaganda and organized animus in recent history. Rarely has so much attention and rage been directed at such a minuscule number of people, and more rarely, still, have those people been the most vulnerable and blameless among us: kids and teens.

That’s so distorted it borders on lying. It’s not “organized animus” to try to stop people mutilating children at the behest of an ideology that claims sex is switchable. The rage is not, of course, directed at the children, but at the adults messing up the children’s bodies. Donegan can’t really be unaware of that.

The first state to pass a ban on transition-related care for minors was Arkansas, in April 2021; less than four years later, more than half of states have such a ban on the books.

It’s not care. It’s tampering at best and destruction at worst. There is no “transition” so “transition-related care” is not care; it’s a horrible mistake.

These changes in public attitudes towards trans youth – from a broad if imperfect sentiment of tolerance to a widespread and politically weaponized attitude of hostility toward a small minority of kids – did not emerge by accident. It was the product of a deliberate, conscious effort to radicalize large swaths of the United States, and significant chunks of state policy, into a hostility towards a few children.

It’s just a lie to claim that not mutilating children is hostility toward those children. Nobody is trying to “radicalize” people into hostility towards the children being mutilated.

Donegan should be embarrassed to have written this dishonest crap.

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