Gosh it seems like only last week the media were all over that story about the “woman” who murdered a man in Oxford, but apparently the reckless mutilation of children isn’t newsworthy?
National papers:
@DailyMirror London:
@MetroUK Regional:
@LivEchonews (and all the others!) Scotland:
@pressjournal Wales and NI:
@BelTel Even if journalists don’t approve of the findings of the WPATH Files, they surely have a responsibility not to pretend it hasn’t happened!
You first, no you, no you…
You could try emailing them and asking why they aren’t covering this story.
It would show up how dishonest any of their reporting on “gender affirming care” was, how fully they have been supporting the dogma under a guise of impartiality. Maybe just a bit too much to swallow.
In Canada, even the National Post (a right-ish newspaper that is no fan of the Trudeau Liberals) uses scare quotes around “biological males” when discussing Conservative leader Poilievre’s support for women’s single sex spaces:
Even the Post uses the same trans-approved phraseology that we’ve seen elsewhere:
So even in instances where a Conservative politician is being reasonably clear, a putatively “right wing” newspaper rushes in to rephrase things into genderspeak. Calling trans identified males “transgender women,” or implying that there are any girls are women who weren’t born female, is not a neutral, unbiased position. It is indicative of having taken a side, and acting as a defacto supporter and propagandist for it. It can’t help but slant coverage when they present a conentious public issue almost exclusively through the use of the viewpoint, terms, and phraseology favoured by only one of the parties to the discussion, a discussion which would not be occuring at all if that same side had had its way. Are they afraid of causing offence, or hurting someone’s feelings? If that’s the case their indulgent scrupulousness is coming at the expense of clarity and public understanding.