Wadhwa out


Notice that the BBC carefully conceals the “gender” of the subject in the headline.

Rape crisis centre CEO stands down after report into failings

Also uses a very deceptive photo of said CEO. He looks very womany.

And then there’s the crappy confusing lede:

The chief executive of a sexual assault support service has stood down after a review found it failed to protect women-only spaces.

What is “it”? The chief executive? The review? The service? Which? This is what happens when you try to obfuscate the core fact in the story: your reporting becomes opaque.

The male CEO of a rape crisis center has resigned after a review found that the center under his leadership failed to protect rape victims.

Mridul Wadhwa – a trans woman – resigned after a Rape Crisis Scotland report found she failed to behave professionally while head of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC).

HE. He, damn you. He he he. He should never have applied for the job in the first place. He. Stop lying to us about this campaign to steal everything from women. STOP. IT.

The investigation, carried out by an independent consultant, also found Ms Wadhwa “did not understand the limits of her authority” and the needs of survivors were not prioritised.

In a statement, the ERCC board said it was implementing recommendations from the review, but felt the “time was right for a change of leadership”.

Ya think?

Don’t hire a man this time. Or any time. Seriously.

For Women Scotland – which has campaigned against changes to transgender rights – accused the board of “ignoring its own culpability”.

For Women Scotland has campaigned against the hostile takeover of women’s rights by men who call themselves women. What the Beeb so cautiously and squeamishly and hostile to womenly calls “changes to transgender rights” are/is in fact a protracted ongoing determined effort to take rights away from women and hand them over to men in lipstick.

In a statement posted on X, they said: “This is the very least that they can do. It seems the board are intent on ignoring their own culpability.

And the BBC is intent on helping them do it.

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