UN v women

UN Women tells us how much it hates women again.

Recent decades have marked major advances for the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ+) people in many places, including the legalization of same-sex relations, legal recognition of gender identity on the basis of self-identification, better access to essential healthcare, restrictions on interventions on intersex minors, and increased protections against discrimination and hate crimes. 

Shut up. Those are different things. They can’t all be dropped into a food processor and blended. Lesbian, gay and bisexual are not like transgender or intersex, and “queer” doesn’t mean anything. Legal recognition of gender identity on the basis of self-identification is not an advance, it’s a nightmare and a mortal injury to women’s rights. Trying to change sex is not “essential healthcare.” Minors should not be trying to change sex. It’s not “discrimination” in the pejorative sense to know and say that men are not women. It’s not a hate crime to know and say that men are not women and don’t belong in women’s sports or rape crisis centers.

State and non-state actors in many countries are attempting to roll back hard-won progress and further entrench stigma, endangering the rights and lives of LGBTIQ+ people.

Don’t lump them together and don’t pretend that defending women’s rights endangers the rights and lives of lesbians and gay men.

These movements use hateful propaganda and disinformation to target and attempt to delegitimize people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, and sex characteristics. 

Stop lying. Feminist women defending women’s rights are not “using hateful propaganda and disinformation.” The UN should stop saying that.

Media and political campaigns have positioned the rights of LGBTIQ+ people as negotiable and debatable. Some try to frame the human rights of transgender people as being at odds with women’s rights, even asserting that trans women do not face gender-based discrimination or that they pose a threat to the rights, spaces, and safety of cisgender women. 

The demands of men who claim to be women are at odds with women’s rights. See Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre for more. Trans women are men, so they no doubt do face discrimination for turning their backs on dudeness, but that doesn’t mean they face the kind of sexism, let alone misogyny, that women do. They do, of course, pose a huge threat to the rights, spaces, and safety of women.

Falsely portraying the rights of LGBTIQ+ people, and particularly of trans people, as competing with women’s rights only widens divisions in the broader gender equality movement.

Not “particularly trans people”; entirely men who claim to be trans. We don’t portray the rights of lesbians and gay men as competing with our rights; don’t be schewpid. We say that some of the rights that some trans women demand compete with our rights. We say that because it’s true. If men can be in all our spaces then we lose the right to have some spaces away from men. If men can take our prizes and awards and honors then we lose them. That’s why we’re resisting.

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