Trans list

Stupid confusing meaningless headline: check.

Trans scientist makes BBC’s 100 Women list

Meaning the “scientist” identifies as a scientist but has no actual qualifications to be a scientist and knows nothing about science?

No. Of course, as always, they mean a man who pretends to be a woman makes BBC’s 100 Women list. As always, they should say that in the headline, instead of burbling about trans scientists.

Broadcaster says Brigitte Baptiste uses a queer lens to analyse landscapes and species in a bid to expand the notion of ‘nature’

What’s a queer lens?

Nothing. Pretentious guff.

The BBC has included a transgender Colombian scientist in its annual list of 100 inspiring women, just days after sparking controversy over its choice for women’s footballer of the year.

Every year, the broadcaster compiles a list of women who have achieved great things in public life.

Its nominees include transgender biologist Brigitte Baptiste, described in the citation as a “trans woman” who “explores the common patterns between biodiversity and gender identity”.

Finally, in the third paragraph, the Telegraph admits he’s a “trans woman.” Why take so long? Why not be clear in the headline and the lede? It’s what the story is about, after all.

In a 2018 TED talk, Ms Baptiste claimed scientists had discovered “transsexual” palm trees and stated that the “change of sex and gender has been reported regularly in science”.

On this basis, she argued that it was wise to do away with ideas of “naturalness” in nature, stating: “There is nothing more queer than nature.”

So he’s saying “queer” isn’t natural?


Last year Nepalese transgender activist Rukshana Kapali was chosen for the list following a legal fight to change gender officially from male to female.

In 2022, the BBC included Erika Hilton, the first black trans woman to be elected to Brazil’s National Congress, and Efrat Tilma, the first trans woman to volunteer for the Israeli police.

Well why not just make the whole list trans “women”? If you’re going to insult women, might as well go the distance.

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