Traditional hatred of women

Why does he not get some time in a cell?

A man berated three women [as] “prostitutes” for not wearing traditional Asian dress and [for] putting on make-up, then violently attacked them, a court heard.

Muhammad Hassan, 26, assaulted the victims after spotting them at a petrol station in Bradford.

In a 51-second attack captured on CCTV, Hassan grabbed the driver and slammed her head on to the dashboard of her vehicle. He then grabbed another woman’s hair and punched her in the head before hitting the third woman.

By “traditional Asian dress” the inept reporter means Muslim or Islamic but of course it’s taboo to spell out that this is male religious bullying in action. The religious belief here is that women are all whores and must wear bags in public to conceal their whorish bodies. That’s the “tradition.”

Hassan, from Bradford, was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for two years.

Why suspended? Was the violent attack not violent enough? It seems plenty violent enough to me.

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