They were told

Great god almighty.

Rape survivors met with Sandy Brindley to talk about their fears around self-identified trans “women” at the [Edinburgh] Rape Crisis Centre. After the meeting got going it became clear that Brindley had brought along an activist academic (who, we know from what we read yesterday, was Brindley’s girlfriend), without asking or warning the rape survivors, or even saying who she was or explaining why she was there. The way I understand it is that the rape survivors had asked to meet with Brindley. Not random other people, and sure as fuck not her squeeze who is a trans-ideologue. Brindley simply imposed that situation on them, without asking, without mentioning, without explaining. It would be bad behavior even if the uninvited guest had been a warm ally of the rape survivors. Since she was very much not that, it’s completely outrageous.

And what this terrible person told them is, of course, even worse.

Survivors of rape have no rights in law to expect a female-only service. Picture it to yourself: a woman, uninvited, tells a group of rape survivors they have no right in law to expect men to be excluded from the service they sought at the RAPE CRISIS CENTRE. A woman they never asked to meet with, dumped on them by the woman they did ask to meet with, who is the boss of the rape crisis centre in question. It’s Trump-level insult and sadism.

And there’s all the rest of what this pair of fiends told the women.

It’s like putting a rabbi in charge of Nazi pogroms.

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