He’s not wrong.
One of the earliest signs that libs had been infiltrated or groomed by authoritarian Islamists was the way they fought for the dress codes this brave woman is fighting against. I used to hear "But it's their culture!" all the time, and never associated it with the wider misogyny… https://t.co/lAvq7f6OZx — Graham Linehan (@Glinner) August 16, 2024
One of the earliest signs that libs had been infiltrated or groomed by authoritarian Islamists was the way they fought for the dress codes this brave woman is fighting against. I used to hear "But it's their culture!" all the time, and never associated it with the wider misogyny… https://t.co/lAvq7f6OZx
— Graham Linehan (@Glinner) August 16, 2024
Sometimes I feel there should be the death penalty for any attempt to enact or enforce certain laws.
Islam is entry-level fascism; pure and simple.
And instead of fighting for women like her, our so-called rights organizations are fighting for creepy men who want to jerk off in women’s toilets.
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Sometimes I feel there should be the death penalty for any attempt to enact or enforce certain laws.
Islam is entry-level fascism; pure and simple.
And instead of fighting for women like her, our so-called rights organizations are fighting for creepy men who want to jerk off in women’s toilets.