They do know which people to slaughter

Joan Smith on the ruling:

Women no longer exist as a separate category in Australia. Sex is “changeable”, according to the judge who has just ruled in a case that effectively destroys single-sex spaces and services for Australian women. It’s a devastating blow for female rights in the country, which is experiencing an “epidemic” of violence against women according to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

If sex is changeable, tell us who the men are who have changed into women and gone on to get pregnant and give birth. Name one.

The implications of the judgment, while not directly about sexual and domestic violence, are far-reaching. There has never been a more urgent case for single-sex services in Australia, yet the outcome confirms that “gender identity” now takes precedence over sex. One of the most shocking features of the case is that the result has been welcomed by Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner, who issued a press release stuffed with familiar jargon.

How can the Sex Discrimination Commissioner do the job of the Sex Discrimination Commissioner if she (or he? but surely one doesn’t make a man the Sex Discrimination Commissioner?) thinks sex is changeable? It’s as if there were a Red Hat Wearing Discrimination Commissioner – just tell people to stop wearing red hats and boom, the job is over. Just tell women to change into men and problem solved.

But while an array of courts, politicians and human rights organisations have decided that sex is no longer obvious and immutable, the same cannot be said about the assumptions of men who murder women.

Last year, 64 women were killed by someone known to them in Australia, a higher rate even than in the UK. In April, six people — five of them women — were murdered in a rampage in a shopping mall in Sydney. It belongs in a horrific series of attacks based on sex that stretches all the way back to the Montreal massacre in 1989, when 14 female engineering students were murdered. The latest addition to this grim list happened in the UK last month, when three little girls were killed at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport.

Well, no doubt there are plenty of trans “women” burning with resentment and fury that the killers didn’t murder them.

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