The younger the better

More on the arrest of Stephen Ireland:

The founder of an LGBT Pride organization in Surrey, UK worked with closely with local police while committing vile crimes against children. Stephen Ireland, 40, the head of Pride in Surrey, was ultimately arrested by the very officers who had been promoting his “anti-hate” efforts and campaign to teach gender ideology to local children.

If people can be trained to believe that men can be women, they can be trained to believe that raping children is a new way to “be kind.”

On August 14, Ireland, along with one of the volunteers from his organization, were both arrested and jointly charged with 15 offenses, including conspiracy to kidnap a child and conspiracy to sexually assault a child.

Ireland was separately charged with an additional 22 offenses, including the rape of a child, the sexual assault of a child, and six counts of making indecent photographs of children. In all cases, the victim is said to be under the age of 13. His colleague, David Sutton, 26, was charged with an additional 7 similarly serious offenses.

If people can be trained to believe that sex is malleable they can be trained to believe that age is malleable.

Disturbingly, since founding Pride in Surrey, Ireland had been actively leading Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) seminars, and was a patron of the trans activist charity Educate and Celebrate.

Educate about what, one wonders. Celebrate what, one wonders.

The charity, founded by Dr. Elly Barnes, a teacher who received an MBE for her contribution to equality and diversity in education, sought to “embed gender, gender identity and sexual orientation into the fabric” of societal institutions.

Ah yes! Don’t they all! Including the cops. Embed gender ideology in everything, and utopia will arrive at last.

Educate and Celebrate additionally boasted of its global reach, having partnered with international schools to have their resources used in classrooms in Thailand and Cambodia.

Start them young.

Ireland was a patron of Educate and Celebrate alongside leading LGBT activist and Peter Tatchell, with whom Ireland has attended events and has praised as an “inspiration.” Tatchell has been widely regarded as a pedophile sympathizer by many, and, as previously reported by Reduxx, Tatchell has an unsettling history of downplaying the harms of child sexual abuse.

Iss diversiee innit.

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