The violence of the equalities officer

The Herald Scotland on Cameron Downing and his funny ways:

A former SNP equalities officer who sexually assaulted six young adults has been jailed for six years. 

Cameron Downing, 24, was also convicted of physically assaulting two women.

It’s so impressive when the lede is “former equalities officer sexually assaulted six people.” Much equalities!

Sentencing him on Tuesday, Judge Alison Stirling told Downing he had “the capacity to cause physical and sexual harm as well as psychological distress”.

She said: “You have distorted views regarding intimate partner violence, and you have shown no remorse or insight into how your actions may have affected your victim.”

The judge added: “Your offences are likely to have caused significant psychological and physical harm to all of your victims, and their psychological recovery from your actions could be prolonged.”

And yet he was an equalities officer!

Maybe there’s a downside to all this fervent promotion of people who claim to be the opposite sex. Trans ideology often overlaps with other brands of sexual non-conformity, not all of which are automatically benign.

She said Downing showed a “hostility towards women, lack of concern for others, sexual preoccupation and deviant sexual preference”, and that he was at high risk of reoffending.

That’s part of what I’m getting at. Trans ideology often goes with hostility towards women and lack of concern for others, just for a start.

In 2022, it emerged that Downing had tweeted that he wanted to “beat the fuck out of some terfs and transphobes”. He also tweeted: “I fucking hate terfs and transphobes with such a passion.”

The tweets caused Harry Potter author JK Rowling to tweet: “Nicola Sturgeon’s Scotland: A place where an equalities officer feels free to declare in public how much he wants to beat up non-compliant women.”

Exactly so.

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