Universal rule

As long as I’m on the subject…exploring the Texas ACLU Facebook led me to the page of The Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity. Guess what: they too refuse to say “women.” (And what tf is reproductive equity?) It’s all people who are pregnant, abortion care for Texans, yadda yadda. “Women” is a filthy word and absolutely must never be used under any circumstances.

It’s been two years since Roe v. Wade was overturned, forever changing the landscape of reproductive and constitutional rights. Despite the challenges and ongoing attacks on abortion access, we’ve persevered and continue to show up for Texan abortion seekers. Thanks to your unwavering support, we’ve expanded our reach and are helping more people than ever before, and we continue the fight towards abortion access for all.


Each of our clients receives all of our effort and love to help them have access to abortion and other reproductive services they need. No questions, no fear, and no stigma. Our heart is always with you guys.


We fund abortions for Texans in states where abortion is legal. We can also help you pay for ultrasounds, contraception, and other reproductive healthcare.


This Pride Month, let’s remember that reproductive justice and queer liberation are inseparable.

Everyone deserves access to abortion and comprehensive healthcare, including queer and trans folks.

​​Pride isn’t just a celebration—it’s a call for liberation. There is no reproductive justice without the liberation of all our queer friends and family, and there is no pride without global liberation.


We’re thrilled to announce that our final Fund-a-Thon total is $106,630!

All money raised from Fund-a-Thon goes towards the cost of abortions for Texans who are forced to travel to other states for their care. With our trusted partner clinics in Texas, we are also funding other reproductive care like ultrasounds, contraception, counseling, trans care, and more.


It’s a universal rule.

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