The two men tried to erase her

Women are such a damn nuisance, you know?

Surrogate mother wins access to her biological son in landmark case

She’s not actually a surrogate mother, she’s a mother.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, won the case after the gay couple for whom she carried the baby for nine months tried to stop her seeing her own biological child and erase her from his life. The two men claimed that the little boy would be confused if he saw his mother because he lived with them in a ‘motherless family’ and was being raised within the LGBT community.

The couple told her there was ‘no vacancy’ for her ‘just because [he] has same-sex parents’ – even though he was conceived using her egg and carried in her womb.

The child, named as ‘Z’ in court proceedings, was born in September 2020. His two fathers, a married couple aged 36 and 43, were friends with the surrogate’s sister and were desperate for a child to complete their family so she agreed to help.

In other words she agreed to do them a massive favor, and they repay her by going back on the agreement and trying to keep her away from her own baby.

[S]he signed a parental order handing responsibility for the child to the men along with a second order ensuring that she could have regular contact with the child, who lived permanently with his fathers.

But the gay couple reneged on that agreement – leading to the doorstep argument that sparked them threatening to dial 999 unless she left, the court heard. ‘G’ had secretly recorded the altercation and while the audio was not shared as part of the ruling, the judge in the case said it was ‘rightly described as “horrendous”,’ not least because it was in the presence of their son. The men then pursued a series of legal cases against her that would cut ‘G’ from the boy’s life.

Male entitlement is a thing to behold.

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