The Song of Self

The BBC dashes up panting with more news about The Trans Communniny:

Trans rapper praises safe space university

So the trans rapper is what? An opera singer? Someone who can neither rhyme nor rhythm? A sheep farmer?

A transgender rapper has written a song that praises his university for being a safe space during his transition.

Why is the BBC telling us this? How is this news?

In the song, Mr Ethan-Watson, who is from the city, said he questioned how he would make it through his degree. “My whole identity was about to change, including my name,” he explains in the recording. “I thought I’d find it hard to try and explain, but everyone was accepting and showed me kindness.

“I knew this was a place I could be free to express the real me. Uni helped me find my tribe, a safe space to be who you want to be.”

Again: why is the BBC telling us this?

Can the adults please return?

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