The size of the problem

Why it’s almost as if hatred of women is a real thing.

Millions of men in England and Wales pose a danger to women and children, the commissioner of the Metropolitan police has said.

Sir Mark Rowley said the figures were “eye-watering” and an “inconvenient truth” as he called for a much bigger effort, a national strategy and more money to tackle the problem.

He relied on an upcoming study produced for police chiefs nationally that says there are up to 4 million perpetrators of violence against women and children, who are mainly men, with one in 10 people being victims, who are mainly women or children.

Quite a popular sport then.

Oh well. It’s just human nature, or something. Never mind. Let’s just keep droning on about transphobia instead; it’s more glamorous.

Rowley said: “I think it’s a bit of an inconvenient truth about how big this problem is. If we are really nationally and in London have the scale of response that the threat to women and children from predatory men deserves, it will need a massively upscaled approach across multiple agencies.

“It’s great that we in the Met in our corner of the system [are] improving and doing better, but those iterative improvements are nowhere near what the size of the problem requires.”

Rowley accepted crimes such as sexual violence were under-reported and that a national strategy to reduce offending with multi-agency prevention and protection measures was needed, and currently lacking.

It’s so interesting, isn’t it. Crimes such as sexual violence against women are under-reported, while at the same time hypothetical violence against men who pretend to be women is endlessly talked about and used as a silencer of…women. Real violence against women, meh, forget it Jake it’s Chinatown; pretend violence against men who pretend to be women DIRE EMERGENCY EVERYBODY DO SOMETHING AT ONCE.

It kind of makes you think that nearly everyone sees men as all-important and women as so much useless fluff.

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