The requirement

Stop right there, bro.

The guy wanted to join a lesbian group on Facebook. The group had requirements; he had to answer a bunch of questions, which he seems to think is an outrage in itself.

So, the requirement was that you hadda check all the right boxes or they weren’t gonna let you in. So the requirement was that you had to say that you were ccccccccis gender born. So in other words, a transgender lesbian was not gunna be accepted into this group. [dramatic pause] Why not?? I’m just as much female as every other person on the planet at this point in my life.

So every other person on the planet is female. I did not know that.

Unless…does he mean “every other person” in the sense of alternating? So exactly half of all persons are female? No, because he doesn’t say it that way. And because he goes on to say, smirking –

I’ve made the proper adjustments, and all my parts are female, so [whiny child voice] why can’t I be part of this lesbian group, why do I hafta be born cisgender female in order to be part of their group? What gives them the right to say who’s female and who’s not female?

Which is a stupid question, because they’re not saying who is and who’s not, they’re asking applicants to say. This guy could just say he is.

I just found that totally rude and wrong on so many levels.

Well that’s women for you.

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