The relationship

Well here’s an interesting new angle on the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre hijacking.

Some of the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre trustees were very recent or current Edinburgh Uni students at the time of their appointment (that’s how experienced their team of trustees has been). One of the trustees, in particular, was an Edinburgh University Students’ Association sabbatical officer at the time when I was hounded out of my role as a trustee of the Students’ Association for my gender critical views. These are people who don’t give a damn whose careers they destroy; in fact, I firmly believe they get a kick out of it.

Let’s be clear, this isn’t a rape crisis centre. It’s a political activist project – not dissimilar to the students’ union that feels them trustees – and it is aimed at making one central point…”trans women are women”.

The whole thing is run by student activists and it is an embarrassment.

And there’s more!

And @EdUniStudents is the same Students’ Association that sent me, as one of their trustees at the time, an email containing this discriminatory statement. See screenshot.

(The redacted name is the name of the org’s President at the time – I don’t know why I am doing her the respect of removing her name – and the email was sent to me by the org’s Chief Executive.)

Imagine putting your discrimination in writing in this way. That’s how sure these people are that they, and only they, are right on these issues.

John Knox would be proud.

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