The purpose of the beating

Aw, gee, look how enlightened and sensitive and generous the man is when he explains why husbands have to beat their wives. It’s interesting, though, that he doesn’t also explain why wives have to beat their husbands, or even say they do have to beat their husbands. Apparently it’s just men who get to do the beating and women who get to be beaten.

The purpose of the beating, he says earnestly, is to warn the wife that the family is in danger. He doesn’t explain why that can’t be done just by saying it, or how he knows the family is in danger, or in danger from what. Also that the marital relations are in danger, he goes on. It’s odd that he thinks beating her will remove the danger. We secular weirdos think that marital relations should be based on affection, not beating. Beating doesn’t promote affection.

The beating is to tell her to be cautious.

Well, yes, the way fire burning is to tell you to be cautious. The beating might tell her to get the hell out of there if she can.

The beating should be symbolic, he says.

Symbolic of what, dude? The fact that you are always right and she is always wrong? What if that’s not the case? Eh? What if she’s right and you’re wrong? What if you have irreconcilable differences and there is no right or wrong, there’s only disagreement? Where do you get off assuming you’re always right and she’s always wrong?

We know where, of course. The Prophet Station.

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