The people on television

In all its dummitude

Notice at about 20 seconds when he says “They’re eating the cats” Harris simply bursts out laughing, which enrages Trump such that he amps up the scowl and the snarl and the ragey shouting, which makes Harris laugh even harder for a second or two.

Then the news guy breaks in to say we talked to the city manager and he said there have been no specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant communniny and Trump squawks “Wull I’ve seen people on television!” He actually does actually say that.

It’s as if someone discovered a way to inflate a toddler to the size of a very large man and that toddler somehow got nominated for president.

“The people on television say ‘my dog was taken and used for food’ so maybe he said that and maybe that’s a good thing to say for a city manager but The People On Television say their dog was eaten by…the people that went there.” He said that. With his own mouth. He has the brain of a five-year-old in a huge angry body.

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